Our services

Advice and studies
Advice and customised services based on general or specific issues, specific or in a long-term approach.

Production and vectorisation plans enable paper-free documents (paper plans, scanned images, sketches by hand)

Emergency Planning
Contingency planning is an art that implements different measures to optimise the implementation of means and resources, both internal and external to the organisation, in the event of a disaster. It is established at various levels, both operational and strategic.

IT solutions
Fire Safety Consulting is also positioning itself in the integration of IT solutions for risk management and crisis management.

We are able to organize and provide diverse safety training, fire safety, first aid, emergency procedures and instructions ...
Required by the European Directives and transcribed into national law, every employer is bound to implement a policy of prevention and safety for their premises, for the protection of property but also, and especially, that of the occupants.
Risk management has, over time, become an important factor in sustainability and development, and should be an integral part of the overall management of a company or organisation.
The implementation of this policy and its follow-up requires time, energy and resources, and it can be tedious and complicated to manage as the information to deal with is voluminous and important.
Latest news
Formation secourisme d’entreprise
Fire Safety Consulting vient d’obtenir la reconnaissance par le SPF Emploi, Travail & Concertation Sociale […]
Educ-DIR – du 12 au 14 octobre 2016 – Expo Charleroi
Fire Safety Consulting sera présent au salon Educ-DIR du 12 au 14 octobre 2016 à […]